Fuck feminists
Fuck the left
Fuck the right
Fuck anyone in between who feels men don't deserve rights
Fuck everyone who claims men need to be fixed
Fuck everyone who ignores that men suffer right along side women
Fuck anyone who thinks they can define men or masculinity"
"Fuck Feminism" - Jared White
There's quite a lot of people complaining about a problem nobody is moving a finger to solve... As I said in "Time to fight for men's rights" (LINK), what we call 'feminism' is not useful anymore: yeah, if we called it 'equalism' or 'egalitarism' instead of 'feminism', we'd erase all that it historically means... Because that's precisely the point! Feminists WERE fighting against a male chauvinist society... which doesn't exist anymore! What we need now is not feminism, it's egalitarism.
I still hear some people (if it's fair to call them people, which I doubt) saying that "men are already empowered and the fight for equality is only for women"... NO, simply NO. Read the previous entry (the one I linked in the first paragraph) and you'll see how women, instead of getting to the same level of men, are trying to be the crap they complain about. Men are not free of oppression: you can complain about men if you are a girl, but if you complain about women as a boy...! So NO, there is no such thing as male superiority anymore, deal with it: I know some people enjoys being oppressed, because if you are you have something to victimise yourself about, but, no, girls, we're not oppressed anymore, stop crying already.
Do you know how to get the equality you ask for? It's very simple: both males and females should have the right to choose: I have to be able to choose to be a housewife without 'feminists' calling me 'tamed' or 'destroyer of equal rights' and my husband has to be able to choose to be as stereotyped as he wants to without a bunch of crying 'feminists' calling him 'male chauvinist' as well as we have to be able to choose to be the brain-washed 'liberals' 'feminists' want us to be; of course!
So, now, if you really want equality, let me allow my husband to have sex with all the women he wants to and be free while I do whatever I want as well, even if that means doing the cleaning, cooking and staying at home (as long as it's healthy and I really want it... otherwise, see "Why do men cheat on women?"): because it's my decision and you should NOT be able to forbid it legally nor socially, and if it's not right or a mistake I'll end up realising by myself and learning from it.
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